Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Throughout my life,I was governed by a lot of do's and dont's. It was always rules which were meant to be followed, never broken. Somehow, I never wanted to rebel against anything. Always did what I was told. If I felt something was different and not as per my wishes, I would simply think that perhaps that was another way of looking at things. If needed I would change my path and take the line of least resistance. Try and amalgamate myself with the situation. Why rock the boat was always my policy. If there was no way out, then I did try to accept and adjust to the situation.
Life did go on smoothly, maybe at a little discomfort to me. Nevertheless, I was happy. Not meloncholic nor delving in pity for myself. I never sought pity too, in fact I resisted it totally. All my life I have been happy and felt that I did a good job in whatever I did.

Its only now that I have begun to feel disillusionment in a lot of things. I often wonder if I was correct in the way I lived and the decisions that I took. I agree that it is the past that cannot be changed. Some will say that one should not think about the past-but I feel that unless one looks at the past and tries to analyse the deeds, there is no chance of correction.
Life is a continuous process of learning. There is no end to learning and improving oneself.
One only learns from ones own mistakes and experiences.A lot of people are rigid and think that it is difficult to change with the times and also to learn new things and to adapt to new innovations. Yes, it is a little difficult, but then, learning anything new is difficult. Older people only fear to take new steps and, appear naive in front of younger persons. If one remembers that no one is perfect and learning can be at varying paces it would become easier to learn.
One fact I know and believe in-our cells keep getting renewed all the time. A lot of our cells are dying and a lot of new ones are coming up. Ageing slows us down, but then accepting that slowness and still attempting to renew our knowledge will keep us up to date.

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