Saturday, May 10, 2014


A mother and father come as a team, 
A father loves, nurtures,
A father gives silently,
He moulds, he protects,
He supports, he is firm,
He makes sure you learn to drive,
To swim, To cycle, to laugh through your pain,
He makes you bold enough to face the world,
He is the perfect foil for your mother.

She with her fears may stop you ,
She with her worries may protect you,
She with her love may smother you,
She with her concern may watch over you,
Your father coaxes her to let you be,
He puts his firm foot down,
So that you learn to be on your own,
A father and mother are a team,
Never think of one without the other,
Always feel blessed when you have even one,
Love, cherish, be happy,
Rejoice you have one half of your parent,
They are always one,
Parents come as a team,
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