Saturday, July 19, 2008

Marriage and happiness

There is so much of pain, misery and sorrow in this world. However hard one may try to remain out of the orbit of these, it is not possible to escape this distress.

We are so bound by our beliefs, our perceptions, our dogmatic views and thoughts of right and wrong, that we are bound in chains all the time.

Take the case of marriages for instance. Marriages in India they say are for keeps. I wonder why it is so. Marriage is only a social contract between two people. They take a lot of vows, make a lot of promises and take on a lot of responsibilities to make the marriage work. However, for any reason if the adjustments that are needed to be made are inadequate, or there is lack of trust, or cruelty of any kind by any one person, then there is bound to be a lot of unhappiness in the lives of the married couple. Yet, one sees that there are so many unhappy marriages, where people remain married for the sake of the children or fear of society, or fear of the future. Whenever one feels stifled and unhappy in any binding then it is the right time to think of obtaining freedom. Freedom does open up a lot of vistas and gives us scope to think of other things which may be more conducive to provide happiness.

The pursuit of happiness, stability in life and peace of mind is essential for the growth of the human mind. If there is no unhappiness prevalent all the time, a person gets the time to pursue various other things needed for personal growth. Staying in an unhappy relationship and trying every moment of your life to make adjustments so as to buy peace for some time is rather a sad pursuit which only wastes time, as, in the end one just does not gain anything. All that time, energy and resource spent for mending broken fences becomes an exercise in futility.

It is time one took stock of the situation. There should be no reason to deceive oneself, and the world. It is time to take positive action, to assess the worthiness of a relationship and after taking stock of the situation, one should decide if remaining unhappy and keeping a face for the world is better or remaining honest with your ownself and the world is a better option .

1 comment:

triloki nagpal said...

Regarding the continuity of the marriage, I agree that one needs to face facts and be strong enough to dissolve the marriage if required; however, many a time misunderstandings can be developed - it should be attempted to resolve them.

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