Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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 Come on all you working mothers. Stop, stop, stop, right there! Where were you rushing off to? Was the milk about to boil over? Did the phone just beep? Okay, Okay you remembered that item that you had to add to the grocery list. Oh...the washing has to be taken out! Husband dear is all stressed out. Daughter has a party to attend next week. Son is getting too big for his boots. Oh no! mother in law is arriving soon for a long long visit! The Project Report that was supposed to have been submitted yesterday, hasn't yet seen the light of the day!
Are YOU stressed out? "Sorry, I don't have time to be stressed out". I heard you say that, although you had just muttered, something under your breath, which to normal ears was very inaudible! I heard what you said, because I and every other working mother says that to herself, every day of her life.There is a sentence in Hindi," mujhe marne ki bhi fursat nahi hai" which literally means,"I don't even have the time to die". Applies to you!
You, I know cannot stop feeling guilty about not having made that lovely cake for your daughter's birthday! You had so much else to do, but then you yourself  had set yourself into 'wanting' to bake the cake. Do you know, your daughter was fine with the cake that you bought from the shop? Your darling daughter had just asked mom, can you bake a cake for me?
Your son , the apple of your eye, had asked you to help him with his home work. On that very day of all days your office called an urgent meeting and you got late in reaching home, and then starting dinner took your time. If you sat for the home work, dinner would have got late! How do I know? I've been there, done that!

Life is a race to do everything. For me it was a daily grind for meeting the Bank's budget, allotting the work at the Bank, managing the demotivated and useless staff! Most important of all was managing the boss! Back home it was rushing from the bed to wash room, to kitchen, to dining hall to children's room to give husband the towel that he forgot to take with him to the bathroom. Back to the kitchen for breakfast, lunch packs, getting children ready, husband ready, self ready and rushing out of home to the mad house where we all work. In fact reaching the office was itself a relief sometimes. Someone would hand you your first cup of tea to be had in peace.This was when you would realise that the world is still going around at its own pace! All is well, as you have to now face the music from your boss and customers and staff! Second round in the day, coming up!
Be smart, cajole the staff, comfort the client/customer. Smile, be patient, try to sort out issues, and by the time you look up, the day is over. Rush back homeward.
Round three begins. Oh, poor husband is back home after that grinding day. Your unhappiness at your day takes a back seat. Some one else needs all that T(ender) L(oving) C(are). You have been endowed with a lot of patience, endurance, love, strength to provide solace to that hulk of a husband of yours. Children come clamoring with their tears, their tales of woes and happiness, secrets, moments of sheer ecstasy, joy, naughtiness, demands, and cute little words. You have a large lap, a large heart full of love, large arms to give numerous hugs, pretty hands to wipe away the tears. You are the embodiment which provides relief, succor, security, to every wailing child including your husband who is still a child at heart. Go on, you superior human being, go on take on that piece of humanity, those vulnerable people who look upon you as their mother earth, their haven,their heaven. Let them rest in the knowledge that you are there to take care of everything. Now that mom is home, everything will be alright!

Oh yes, I had started writing this about you...wasn't it?
Yes, yes, yes, your turn will come on another day....
Life is like that my dear,you will have to wait for THAT other day,which will never come.
YOU were made like that.
To be happy when you see others happy.
To rest when you see others resting!
To be satisfied to see the wonderful, beautiful, happy faces of your children.
To see the sulking face of your husband , waving at you. They are like that only!
Love is at the bottom of your happiness. They all love you. They wait for you. There heaven is in your arms. They may never say it, but don't you realise how there world collapses when you are not around, and how their faces light up when they set their eyes on you.
Isn't it wonderful to be a woman?
Rejoice as you see happiness, peace and love flourish around you.
Rejoice and swell with pride, because YOU are the most important person in the world!
YOU woman, are WONDERFUL! You are the WORLD!
Love yourself!

1 comment:

Neena Gulati said...

Ittruly is!

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