Monday, February 14, 2011


Oh please, stop, stop,stop,where were you rushing off to you, you working mother? Was the milk about to boil over, oh, you just remembered that item that you had to add to the grocery list. Yes, I know you have to remove the clothes from the drier. Dear Husband is all stressed out! Your daughter has to attend a party next week, son has become too big for his boots! Oh my gosh, mother in law is arriving soon for a longish stay! You have no time to stop?
Are you stressed out? "I don't have time to get stressed out", I heard you say that. I know, I know, you didn't say it, you only muttered something inaudible under your breath, but then all of us working women have super sensors and I know what that mutter meant! Got you!!?? 
You can't stop feeling guilty about not having baked your darling daughter's birthday cake. Do you realise that she was perfectly happy about the cake that you bought from the shop? A cake is a cake, is a cake! You are fretting because YOU had set your mind about baking it. Daughter had simply asked, "Mom will you bake my cake?"
Son had asked you to sit with him and watch his latest game on his latest gadget, but you were stuck in a bad traffic jam on that day of all days. You had to rush into the kitchen to fix dinner. If you sat for the game everyone would get late for dinner. Woe is me, I can't even fulfill my son's wish! Sigh!! Did you say that to yourself?
Your life is a big rush, from here to there to everywhere! In the morning you rush from the bed to washroom to kitchen to dining room to give the towel to husband who forgot to take it to the bathroom. Back to kitchen fixing breakfast, lunch boxes, getting kids, hubby and yourself ready for work. Everyone rushing, rushing, rushing, until you reach that dreadful place where you work. Now for some peace and solace where someone hands you over your first cup of tea and then you realise that the world is still going around at it's own pace, slow and steady! All's well with the world. You are ready for round two of the day.
Now go on, attack the problems for the day. In a working day for me,it was a daily grind to meet the Bank's budget, handle the demotivated staff, the disgruntled customers/clients, the missing vouchers and so and so forth. The worst was managing the boss. Come on now, smile, cajole, coax, motivate, team work, manage, manage, manage, smile some more, go on, go on. By the time you lift your head up, the day is over.
Ready for round three? Back home, tired? Want some rest and quiet? Oh, here comes hubby back from the daily grind. All grumpy, tired, just like you! Out come all your resources of T(ender)L(oving)C(are). Someone badly needs it! Ruffled feathers smoothened out? Now come the children rushing in with their tales of woe, happiness, heart breaks, heart aches, the lost ribbon, the  ink stain, all those things that made up their day. Those sweet words, those demands, that unhappiness in not being allowed more chocolates! Why, why, and some more why? 
Never mind, come on, you know, you have beautiful hands to wipe away those tears. You have large arms to give them huge hugs. You have a lovely smile to tease them, comfort them.

Beautiful faces

Did you know how their faces lit up as soon as they saw you?
You have all the patience in the world to listen to everything. All the wisdom in the world to advice. All the reasoning in the world to explain. All the knowledge in the world to teach. You are the embodiment of all things good, beautiful, peaceful. A large heart full of love. Large arms for great hugs. A beautiful tranquil face which is always ready with a smile.
Did you know that you are comforting mother earth? When you are around no one has to worry. You, they know will take care of everything. Did you see the look of anxiety on your little girls face when she got that bruise and how she ran away happily as soon as you kissed the bruise and said it will become alright!
Did you know that you are the lap of solace, relief, comfort, peace and happiness for all those who are yours? They wait for you to come home, and run away, knowing that you are there. Mom's home, and all's well with the world!
Did you know what you are, who you are, what you mean to them?
Looking at their smiling happy faces make you feel happy. Looking at your grumpy husband makes you feel comfortable! Why grumpy, you ask? Never mind girl, they are always like that. They can neither show how much they love you nor how much they depend upon you.
I had begun to write about you? Yes, I know, I did. Time for you will come, some other day. That other day which really never comes! The time for yourself never comes. You are too busy for that. Do you now know the meaning of those words in Hindi, "mujhe marne ki bhi fursat nahi hai", which literally means, "I don't even have time to die". I know that's your story. It is every working mother's story! You are not alone. Still remember,"IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD!"
You KNOW it. Don't you? Of course you do.
Take heart, you know all those people in your house who never profess their love for you, really love you a lot. Their entire world revolves around you. You are their anchor, their support, you are their friend, philosopher and guide. You lead them kindly, never once thinking of your own fears, desires, needs. You are the embodiment of solace, succor, peace, tranquility, happiness.
Their beautiful faces wait for a kind look from you. Their day is made when you give them a hug, a smile, a kiss. All those children in the house, which includes your husband! They never grow up.
Did you know what you are?
Look at yourself. You are wonderful. You are the world.
Come on love yourself, smile, be happy!


Prithviraj Banerjee said...

Here is to all the working Mothers - Cheers !

Prithviraj Banerjee said...
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triloki nagpal said...

You had one more post with the same title - had put the comments on that:

Beautiful post Varsha.
Perhaps you could watch or even add a nice clip from u-tube which captures the essence the of a woman

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