Friday, February 5, 2010


My last post sounded quite melancholy. It was sad, because I felt sad seeing the condition of those who were once the life of a party. They loved life, lived well,were very protective about their children. In fact some of them would not allow their children to venture out, even to the park without an escort. All these colourful personalities are now all laden with illnesses and weakness and so on and so forth which are geriatric.
This reminds me of a lady whom I met yesterday, she is 72 years old and was saying, "You know how these old women are, they want to stick to all rituals," having said that she burst out laughing, saying, "as though I do not belong to that group now, but you know, I don't feel that old."
Oh yes, you age only as much as you want to. It is all in the mind. Somehow, I am never able to relate with people closer to my age, as I feel that somewhere I do not belong to that group. I have no ailments, no difficulty in walking, or whatever. In fact that reminds me that even in my much younger days, I never belonged to the age group of my contemporaries. I passed out my Matric at the age of 14 and graduated at the age of 18. My friends and classmates were always older than me, so I was never included in their chat sessions. So my age has always been mine-to think and live. My father lived like that. He was ever youthful and walked very fast, and never had a day's ailment,even at the age of 82, when he just died. One could not tell his age by looking at him.
I have my heart full of joy and a quick step takes me onwards to my destination. I am a wanderer and I love travelling. Staying for too long in one place makes me want to move, move, move.The breeze, the birds, the clean air outside beckons me. Come on, come out, feel free.
Life doesn't stand still for me. I have a hundred things to do, and a thousand miles to go. I have a hundred new things to learn and a thousand new places to see. I have a hundred issues to write on and a thousand wishes to be fulfilled.I have a lot to do, and I will.
No, no, no, it was not about me that I wrote. It was simply a reflection of what I saw and felt like sharing.

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