Monday, March 6, 2017


There was style in the way that he stood against the open door of the most mundane 2nd class unreserved compartment that he was travelling in. There was a cigarette which was being smoked by the person in a grey and green tweed jacket.
This scenario of fifty years ago is firmly fixed in my mind and I recall it as if it was just the other day.
Fifty is golden, it is half a century, it is  really a very very long time.
Fifty years ago I saw this person and did not realise then that I would continue to see him for the rest of my life. Amazing, isn't it?
A lot has happened in all these years. We have accumulated a lot of fat, we have changed the colour of our hair, there are craters and lines on our countenance, life has added in every which way.
We started out as two people whose parents were as diverse as chalk and cheese. They were both quite determined that their children were not made for each other. As young people we had the natural ability to differ from them. We then rebeled and stood our ground, so the senior generation relented and agreed to get us married. That was about three and a half years later from this date of 6th March 1967.
Triloki and I have travelled the rough roads of life, have seen the smooth times, shared the memorable times and have a huge repertoire of memories, which in hind sight is always good. We have two wonderful children with their even more wonderful and loving spouses, who will never forgive me for calling them anything connected with the law, and three most beautiful, gorgeous and loving grand children.
We both love travelling, we are voracious readers, love movies-the mushier the better, love good food, argue endlessly about the most mundane things, love a great morning walk, and we have actually blended well together. Here's to another innumerable number of years together quarrelling, arguing and living happily ever after in this wonderful world.


Unknown said...

Wow.. that's a very beautiful journey.. keep walking.. hand in hand..

Pankaj Varma said...

Wow! Half a century already! Happy golden anniversary.

Unknown said...

Great Going Varshaji & Nagpalji !! All the very best for next 50 !!

Sublimation said...

A golden journey indeed! Wish you both more happiness and peace in the years ahead.

rajuys said...

How inspiring! Wish you many, many more golden years together.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to you and uncle! May you have many many ....... many years of togetherness! Stay blessed!!

Prithviraj Banerjee said...

Cheers to half a century of togetherness! Lovely post.

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