Monday, November 9, 2015

A beautiful future, a wonderful world.

Let me tell you a true story. I used to be terrified of water. I would go to beaches and look from afar. I would refuse to go for boating even in rivers or lakes. Even the shallow boating place at India Gate was a strict no-no. In fact I am one of those who could have drowned in a shower! 
One day in London when I had taken my grand daughter for swimming, and was sitting by the poolside, she said, "Nani, come swim with us". 
I said, "Oh! but I don't know how to swim. " 
She said," Nani, hold my hand, come with me, nothing will happen". 
My little grand daughter was only five years old then.
The confidence of the child made me decide to get over my fear once and for all. I took formal swimming lessons and learnt to put my head under water. I cannot thank Aaliya enough for showing me that I had the potential, but I had allowed fear to control my life till then.
We all have apprehensions and fears of  the unknown. We love to be safe and secure in our own cocoon. Getting out of the secure cocoon is quite a daunting task. If birds didn't push their little ones out of the nest, the babies would never learn to fly. They would sit happily in the nest, waiting for mama bird to get fresh feed for them.
Moving out of a safe and secure and warm niche requires grit and courage. Unless one ventures out, growth is bound to be stunted. The niche is usually snug and so we have to move out and find space for growth. Spread our wings, soar high in the sky, reach out for what one desires. With determination one strides out and finds a whole new world waiting to welcome us. This new world has new people, new opportunities, new challenges. They make us grow and that potential that we were unaware of comes to the forefront. It will surprise you to know what talent had been lying supine within you for so long. 
A human being needs new challenges all the time. 
Keep challenging your own self, take on new opportunities with confidence, and you will realise that the world is at your feet.
Happiness is not a word, it is a feeling. This feeling comes when we meet our own expectations and realise our own worth. 
So my dear reader, take that plunge, spread your wings, just outside of your secure zone is a beautiful world waiting for you. 
All the best!


Shreekumar said...

Aankhon dekhi!

Unknown said...

Absolutely true Varsha. Two messages come out. First that you can do anything once you put your mind to it. And even more important, it is never too late to learn. Good going Varsha.

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Abhijit Das said in Facebook,"Yes. I endorsed your views."

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