Monday, January 12, 2015


What exactly is freedom of speech? Where does this freedom end? Just because I have the freedom of speech can I really say whatever I want to say? My words may hurt someone, my words may humiliate someone, so should I have the freedom without any constraints? If there are constraints then my freedom gets curtailed. So what exactly is freedom of speech?
In this world, we have all kinds of people. Some people are naturally different as per the region that they belong to. Their physical characteristics are different, their colour is different.  Since we belong to different parts of the world with different climates, there are  differences in food, way of living, dress, habits and practices. Besides this we have differences that are created by society as it evolves. These are the differences of Religion, caste, and language.
 Differences lead to comparisons and comparisons lead to competition. Competition leads to complexes. Complexes could be superiority or inferiority complexes which  then  leads to intolerance.We get steeped in our own practices and think that what the other is doing is wrong. We then start offending people by making fun of them. When the jokes go to the extremes then retaliation starts. 
So I wonder really, should I have absolute freedom of speech to actually say what I want, even if it hurts someone else?
Why should anyone have the right to denigrate anyone else, based on his religion, way of dressing or food habits?
Should we all not be tolerant of each other and accept people as they are? 

Are we living under the jungle law where the universal truth is "survival of the fittest"? The other universal truth of the jungle is that no animal kills another just because the other one is different. They kill only when they prey, they kill to eat and survive. They do not simply slaughter another type of animal. I have seen in Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti in Tanzania how different species of animals live very peacefully together in the same forest area. Even though a lioness will go to prey on a wildebeest or zebra, she will not slaughter randomly.

On the other hand we "civilised" human beings do not have respect and tolerance for each other. We make fun of women, Sardars, Jews, Scotsmen. We actually pick on them generally. In the extreme we slaughter, we kill, we are intolerant of people who are different from us. Is this what civilisation is all about?
Those whom we call  animal have no language and so have no freedom of speech.

We who have a language to speak, discuss, converse and find solutions through talks do not always use words to find solutions. We often use them to rebuke, offend and make fun of others.
 I really wonder what freedom of speech is all about.


Pankaj Varma said...

Freedom of speech is limited by the moral and legal requirement of not hurting anyone. The only time you are allowed to hurt anyone, orally or physically, is in self-defense or for common good (not personal benefit). The terrorists think they are hurt but acts of terror are neither self-defense nor public welfare and are,therefore, condemned. Lampooning public figures is allowed only since it may be in public good.



Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Bishanlal Bani said on Facebook,"1. Freedom of speech means freedom for those who you despise, and freedom to express the most despicable views. It also means that the government cannot pick and choose which expressions to authorize and which to prevent.
Alan Dershowitz
2. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech aren't really important unless they're heard. The freedom of hearing is as important as the freedom of speaking.
Tom Smother"

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Sushil Ojha said on Facebook,"This is one of the excellent write up on ANGUISH and without any anguish in Varsha Jee, purely an amiable author.
सत्यम ब्रूयात प्रियम ब्रूयात
मा ब्रूयात सत्यमप्रियम
निंदक नियरे राखिये
सुंदर/अच्छी/ शीतल कुटी छवाय
God give me courage to change the things which I can, Serenity to accept the things which I cant!
And wisdom to know the difference between the two"

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Gulshan Dhingra said on facebook,"अति सुन्दर ! दिमाग को झकझोर देने वाले बहुत से विश्लेषणों में से एक उत्कृष्ट विश्लेषण..!! Varsha Uke Nagpal G ! And
Beautifully explained by Sushil Ojha g & in the right direction , too !!!"

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Umesh Sharma said, "If Freedom of speech is allowed, so is Freedom to protest, but both within reasonable limit of civility."

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Jai Gopal Verma said on Facebook,"Varsha what is your confusion you need to be offered comments.Otherwise in the present set up every thing is leading to confusion on all the facts as well as fiction
Freedom of speech has not been defined by the law makers but it is upto the wisdom of the person enjoying this right I fully agree with your views expressed in the blog.It is a good subject for discussion and find if there should be some limit to this freedom

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Dps Tyagi said on Facebook," Like the saying "such truth should be avoided to be spoken which may harm somebody"one may exercise his right to freedom of speech in a way that it does not damage the peaceful atmosphere , hurt the feelings of somebody. BUT it all depends on the character , motives , sanskars of the person doing so"

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Nirmal Jit Singh said on Facebook," it all depends on who is speaking"

D K Jain said...

Putting too many restrictions on speech may not be a good idea either. The term "freedom of expression" has been given a latitude for a good reason perhaps.The capacity to stand criticism, well deserved one, is rare and often is used by the dogmatic and powerful ones to clamour for a Ban or used to stifle opposing but well meaning voices.A bit of free hand to free speech is certainly a good idea.

Sublimation said...

Freedom in any sense can be conditional or absolute. Conditional is when one realizes that it is necessary to draw a line to avoid conflicts. Absolute is what you are, you are free to make your choices and be ready to bear the consequences of your actions. Ultimately what has already been quoted Gulshan Dhingra should be the guiding factor in our choices -
"God give me courage to change the things which I can,
Serenity to accept the things which I cant!
And wisdom to know the difference
between the two"

Anguish arises out of helplessness to decide.

Varsha Uke Nagpal said...

Man Singh said on Facebook,"Freedom of Speech -Noted Tamil novelist Perumal Murugan’s Facebook page went blank on Tuesday in a virtual closure of his identity as a writer, in a shocking illustration of the growing intolerance of fringe groups constricting public discourse. It is ironic that the author was made to virtually recant to buy peace after the recent controversy over his novel Madhorubhagan, first published in December 2010, purportedly offended the sensibilities of some dominant sections of society in the western ‘Kongu’ belt of Tamil Nadu."

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