Sunday, August 21, 2011

All is well!

Generation next

Recently a young friend saw an old photo of mine and commented that she loved to see these old photos and wondered what life was like then.

"Then??"This sentence hit me like a thunderbolt. It made me realise that I actually belonged to another era. My days of studies, struggles, and challenges were now history! I now belonged to the Silent film era........   just a simile!

I remember everything as if it had happened only yesterday, and here I was being relegated into the past!

All those lovely songs that I can still recall and sing were actually now Bhule Bisre Geet! When did this happen? When did so many years pass, without my noticing it?

Mandal Commission happened 22 years ago! A whole generation has grown up without experiencing that agitation. Indira Gandhi that much admired Lady with so much charm, charisma, beauty and extreme power died   27 years ago. So much time has gone by, how come I did not realise that all those riots are now History. I actually witnessed it! I lived in those days!

Oh my gosh! Time, time, time, you swoosh away so soon! 

I have decided to live now, savouring each day. I do not let my day begin with the rising sun and end with the setting sun. I allow my day to be filled with the joy of giving back to society what I got from it. I try in my own way to repay the debt that I owe to my parents. I invest a little bit in my own grand children. I try to pass on some values to them, pass on some bonding, love, assurance, guidance, and wisdom. I live each day with happiness. I love to see them chatter, fight, throw tantrums! I love to see the look of harassment on the face of my daughter or daughter in law when dealing with their children. I know I sound cruel, but then that is the truth. I feel life goes on, in the same way. All is well, the house is happy, the children are secure, and life is tranquil. My daughter and daughter in law are trying their best to do for their families what I had done in the past for mine. My efforts paid off for me, so I see a good future for my grand children!  I can rest assured that All is well with my own world! 
Life is all about living it. Not just breathing, eating and sleeping from one day to another. It is about deciding how we want to live it. How we want to see the world each day. It is about making each day meaningful. I write, discuss, put forth my views at almost every forum. Good if someone responds, if no response comes then I try harder. I try to make my world and its happenings more meaningful for me. My contribution is through my my laptop and the internet!


1 comment:

Chaitali said...

Yes, time flies...moments become memories...and they become history!

Love the line - All is well, the house is happy, the children are secure, and life is tranquil.

Live is all about living the moment to the fullest with the people who matter the most-est!

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