Time has this unique quality of going, even before one realises -the moment is lost. It is fleeting and it actually waits for no man.
Yet, how we are capable of frittering away time. Those moments lost in sulking, grumbling, feeling sorry for oneself. Those moments spent in self pity, anger, resentment go away as quickly as those happy moments spent with a loved one. All that remains are memories - memories where we re- live our past. Those happy moments keep coming back to us and remind us that the time that has gone was really good. Was it? Or is it just the memory of that moment which is good?
Every moment, every breath that we take is good. Every day is bright and beautiful, it is what we make of the day and how we spend the day that makes our memories sweet or sad.
Even if the day looks gloomy, dark and dismal, does the smile of a little baby not make the day bright and beautiful? We remember the laughter and the time spent with the little baby and not the dark and dismal day. The weather is of least importance when we are happy and love the company that we have. Yet, how often do we look out and grumble that the day is looking so dismal. That sets our tone for the day. If we start the day fresh, happily and cheerfully we will be happy that we have another day to spend as we want to spend it. The day is free. It is for us to make the most of it. We can create memories , live joyfully, spread cheer and warmth.
Why that grumpy face? Why that sitting in a corner, why should we not enjoy the joy of living? If we share what we have, whatever we have, goodness, kindness, smiles, they all come back magnified manifold. They are returned to us expanded.
Sitting in a corner all by myself, I will remain aloof and alone, as no one will want to enter my private zone of melancholy and solitude that I have chosen. If I am happy my happiness will draw people to me.
Spread cheer, friendship, compassion and see the spread of joy. Life is too short for petty bitterness and misunderstandings. Clear the path as you go. Clear doubts, speak up and remove all cobwebs. Let life go by happily. Let us make the world a better place, not a bitter place.
Let us live today - happily and leave memories for posterity.