Saturday, March 1, 2008


With age a lot of people move towards spiritualism. They are in pursuit of God and godliness. Instead of phasing our life in different age zones and dividing pursuit of different goals and objectives, would it not be better to live our life, one day at a time, with correct goals and objectives?

In youth a person runs after materialism throwing everything else to the winds, then as old age approaches he starts worrying and preparing for the "life after".This is because we grow up with the belief that there is rebirth. We do not realise that we have only this one life to live. The day we die, it is all over. Finished. Kaput. Therefore with wrong information which governs our entire life, we start pursuing God and start making the pilgrimage rounds. We now start trying to undo all our past sins. One basic flaw in our belief is that we think that for every wrong that we do or for any action which we ourselves think was wrong-there is atonement available. We can fast, or bribe the God with offerings or just bathe in the Holy river Ganga and all our sins(Paap's) are washed away. Strange are the ways and teachings of our philosophy. For every wrong done there is atonement and eventual salvation.

The best way to deal with complexities of life is to be in pursuit of truth, honesty, patience, care and concern. Instead of getting into the rat race if we strive to do our best in all that we do, without elbowing out our neighbour or creating difficulties for another, who we see as our competitor, we will realize that there is enough space for everyone under the sun. We can all be happy and survive without malice. Life would be much simpler, happier and free of tension for each one of us.

Sounds very simplistic-I agree, but then often simple maxims and idioms which are overlooked by us in our race, often have a lot of depth and substance in them.

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