Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I pause and look at the colorful butterfly flying around,
It has such a short life, but is colorful, and absolutely unbound,
The flower that blooms in the morning, fades away before the sunset,
Its fragrance and beauty gives many a tired eye some much needed rest.

The beautiful soothing wind that blows, 
Sometimes turns into a tornado and destroys everything high and low,

In this transient life nothing remains forever,
Why do I then fret over time and keep looking yonder?
Tomorrow is a time where I will never be,
As it is a moment which I will never see!

Acceptance of "now", "this", the moment at hand,
Acceptance of bliss, beauty is like a magical wand.
It will make my happiness known to all,
Sorrow and sadness will surely go away without making a call!

1 comment:

Sublimation said...

The butterfly sitting on the purple flower is one such moment. The next moment it is gone. The transitory nature of life is something which we have to accept. but moments can be beautiful and they can be bitter. It is only our wish that every moment is a beautiful moment. To live in the 'now' we have to learn to accept this fact. I am reminded of what I wrote sometime back and that is how I see it

"These are certain moments and they pass me by,
They remain etched in my memory, as I try
To understand what is my quest,
To perpetuate these moments, try my best.
For these are goals that move away,
Before I can rest and have my say,
And hope everyone finds happiness,
On his way."

The last few postings indicate your moving more and more in to yourself and the poet in you is having its say. Very nice and all the best.

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