"It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away " heard the song by Boyzone? They are not only words, they are the key to the survival of humankind.... Our species - the most vulnerable and easy prey for predators. The species which did not have four limbs to flee fast, nor the strength to use brute force, nor wings to fly, nor speed to run away. We were thus easy prey for larger, faster animals, and yet we survived and have developed ourselves beyond compare.
Words that we speak are so important. Language is a unique tool developed by human beings for communication. Human beings are the weakest species on earth. In the process of evolution as the world developed, the weaker species kept eliminating themselves, as they either got eaten up or perished as they could not fend for themselves. The Dodo, a bird found mainly in the island of Mauritius, could not fly. With the incoming of Europeans to Mauritius, dogs also got an entry into this island, as man's best friend. These intruders to the island found these birds which could not fly and ate them up. "As dead as a dodo"-heard that one?
Dinosaurs got eliminated, so did the mammoth. The Kiwi of New Zealand and the Tigers of India are already an endangered species and are on the verge of extinction. This is all a part of evolution and the theory of "Survival of the fittest". The basic instinct of "Fight or flight" keeps any species alive.
Human beings had certain traits which made them easy prey for larger and faster animals. They therefore honed certain skills which helped them to survive and take care of each other so that their species could survive.
The use of vocal chord was one unique and distinct trait that the human beings had. We developed the technic to modulate our voice, and express fear, or send out signals of warning and danger, to others of our kind, so that they could either fight or take flight. With this art of communication, we, the weakest species survived!
Human beings also had the advantage of having a limb which was different from all the other animals. We had a thumb which was facing our other four fingers, which gave us the advantage of having a grip. A grip which helped us to grasp an object, to hold and thus create a tool which could be used with force and power. No other animal including the chimpanzee have this unique advantage.
We could use these two advantages to help preserve our species from elimination. If we go back in time to the stone age, and try to visualise these two tools, we will be able to understand how great these two features were, which helped us reach where we are today.
Language and the words that we speak are so important in our life. We humans honed this skill and because of being able to communicate, laws of nature, theories of science, mathematical equations, computers, Internet and everything else developed. How important are W O R D S?! Ever thought of that? We only looked at words as ways of communicating our feelings? To hurt, humiliate, express love, write poems, create elegies and epitaphs and study? The elementary role of words for survival has long been forgotten.
Language evolved and although I have not made a detailed study of similar sounding words with similar meanings in different languages, by common observation I have gathered a few words, which would be interesting to read. This is just a sample of similar sounding words having the same meaning in two different languages.
Just read and be amazed.:-
1 Galti guilty
2. Idhar hither
3. Kaat cut
4. Khaat cot
5. baandhna bandanna
6. khaand candy
7. chitthhi chit
8. khichdi kedgeree
9. loot loot
10. shakkar sugar
11. baramda verandah
12. bangla bungalow
13. tipai teepoy
14. payjama pajama
15. biradar(i) brother
16. cheent chintz
17. kalantar calender
18. paanch punch
19. safar safari
20. shameez chemise(camisole)
21. daar(ghar-daar) door
22. phool flower
23. sipahi sepoy
24. behtar better
25. udhar other
26. ardali orderly
In everyday use I found how fascinating is this journey of mankind to preserve our species. Language our biggest tool which was developed to simply warn another of our kind about imminent danger, has brought us where we are today. The most advanced, resourceful, and also the unkindest species in the world. We are the only species which" kills for pleasure". All the others kill as they have the "need to kill". I leave you with these thoughts to ponder over. This is all that I have to say today.
Before I leave you today, one question, "Do you know the origin of the word Dewan?"
They were the financiers to the erstwhile rulers of this country, and they used to have two annas share in the sixteen annas(Rupee one) revenue of the King. Two annas are do anna or duanni, which colloquially became dewan. Simply as those living next to the nahar(canal) were referred to as woh Nehrwale and so on and so forth, ultimately becoming Nehru.
I have to thank Ujjwal, my brother for most of the theory matter written above. Words and language are mine.
More later, when I find the correct w. o. r. d. s to communicate!!!!
Nice words, very well written, Varsha. I dare say my first reaction was meri hi billi...
But it struck me that you should Ghost write my book on my genie theory. Kya khayaal hai????
Sure Ujjwal.Assignment will be taken up.
Propounding theories is one thing. Working on them,expanding them, stating them in beautiful words requires a craftsperson. Guess our genies have already had a drink at the bar and one sees immense possibilities.
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