It was a full moon night. The sky was as beautiful as one can imagine it would be in the month of December, when winter is setting in on a full moon night. My very pretty daughter was born on such a night. The date was the first, the moon was up, shining, bright and beautiful, with a clear blue sky and a golden-ish moon. My daughter had to be born with all those characteristics. A round face, bright, cheerful, with the most arresting smile ever. She was called the Smiling captain in her school!!
Daughters are always a mother's best friend. Oops, did I get it wrong?? You bet? I am usually never wrong, or rather I try to correct myself as soon as I make a mistake. Here I am not mistaken at all. A mother is usually a harassed person with the burden of the entire world on her shoulders. Isn't she the one who is responsible for all things to happen smoothly in the house? She has eyes at the back of her head and also on the sides of her head. Everyone asks the mother for everything, from helping in the homework, to relief from a hurt or pain or some imagined fear, or food or uniform or anything under the sky. The mother is also held responsible for everything that goes wrong with ANY member of the family.......anywhere!!
The one person who understands the pain of the mother, without any words being exchanged is that daughter-however small or big she may be. A daughter just looks, understands and sits next to her mother. Her silent presence is the balm which that lonely mother seeks-always. A daughter never fails her mother-she is usually the exact replica of her mother. She need not look like her mother, but in all other things the daughter will follow and ape her mother diligently. She is her mother's alter ego. Even if a mother and daughter do not get along very well and keep fighting all the time-still the mother's best friend is always her daughter.
A mother is able to confide all her miseries, sorrows, happiness and anecdotes with her daughter. Husbands usually have no time for frivolous behaviour and activities of their wives, but trust a daughter to be ever ready to see her mother recounting all her naughty experiences in life.
Both the mother and daughter love to indulge in pampering each other. There is a bonding which is inexplicable. It is unique. It is passing on the baton. Women have unique problems of dealing with the world, and a mother and daughter are able to relate and share these problems without any need for explanations.
My daughter has been my friend, confidant, support, conscience keeper. She has scolded me, fought with me, been impatient with me, whenever she felt that I was putting up with injustice. She has always tried to boost my ego by giving me correct feedback and pointing out things to me from her point of view. The problem with the rest of the world is that there is a lot of politeness, political correctness, diplomacy involved, and so often one receives complements where none is really due. A daughter does not mince her words. She is brutally frank and honest. This gives one the much needed impetus to improve and change.
My daughter looked after me when I was ill. She was my mother's life saviour at the age of three. My mother and she were alone in the house, when my mom suddenly had a dizzy spell and her blood pressure went down. Chaitali switched off the gas, rang up my father who was in office and told him what had happened. Dad came home and my mother could be taken to the hospital in time.
A daughter is always ready to help. With her arms flung around you, she is liberal with her show of affection. She cries with you, laughs with you, looks a bit like you, and hates to be told that she is like you. Nevertheless as you see yourself in your daughter, you enjoy the youthfulness of life once again with her. The joys of living become doubly rewarded with a daughter in your life.
Many Happy Returns of the DAY dear daughter. May you always be cheerful, happy, bubbling with life. May all your wishes be fulfilled. May your life always be as beautiful as you are. Be Happy and spread happiness.
Anurag, wait, your turn too will come. You know you ARE the best in the world!!
Jharna, of course, you are my daughter too.
OK Raj, I do understand what life is for you with my firebrand daughter. Never mind-All the BEST.
I bawled my eyes out mummy! Thank you, love you loads.....
That was so beautiful! I cried too.
Kya yaar aunty u have taken charge of making me weep like a baby all the time.....!!! That was just gorgeous!!!! Congratulations to u on your beautiful daughters bday....xx
That is beautiful! Thanks for allowing Chaitali to come here to be with us. We love her too. xx
Wow that was something...had moist eyes too.Aunty i guess this echos the sentiments of mothers across...so beautiful and so straight from the heart...may God bless all of u and may the smiles never die ...
belated birthday wishes to my friend...
so beautiful aunty..just echoed the thoughts of mothers across..cant help getting senti after that..
God bless all of you and may the smiles never fade...
Chaitali sorry missed your bday ...hope it was great.
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