Wednesday, December 31, 2014


My wish for  happiness is for everyone,
Everyone I know wishes the same,
Through messages, phone calls and e mail.

If only these  wishes of every one, 
Came true and  we learnt,
That what we distribute comes back to us,
Amplified, intensified, and magnified,
Happiness would  just grow and spread.

So let us all be Happy and pass it on,
As yet another  year comes rollicking on,
Rekindling hope for a better life,
A year filled with happiness, good cheer and  no strife. 

1 comment:

Sublimation said...

So let me wish you in your own words

"Rekindling hope for a better life,
A year filled with happiness, good cheer and no strife."

Wish you A Happy New Year

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