Sunday, November 2, 2014


Cold morning.

It was a dull, wet, cloudy and cold November morning when I ventured out doors for my walk. I covered myself up well with my new raincoat and kept my phone in my pocket.

A wicker basket on the side

When I reached the High Street, I was delighted and surprised to see a fleet of cars go past at a slow pace. They were not only slow, they were noisy and quaint too. 
A car more like a buggy

They were vintage cars and were out on a rally from London to Brighton. 

A spare wheel on the bonnet

The people in the cars were dressed in their vintage best. There were interesting old wicker baskets tied at the rear of some cars, while some had old leather suit cases kept near the feet.

There were wicker baskets attached on the sides of some cars to hold the umbrellas. Most of the cars did not have any hood or covering. 
No steering wheel. Car shaped like a horse drawn carriage

Some of them were shaped like horse drawn carriages. The brands were distinct and different. There was a taxi too. 
A taxi maybe of the 1940's

Some did not have a steering wheel. There was a rod on top of which was a handle which would steer the car.  
Brass lamps and wicker basket for umbrellas on the side
There were two highly polished brass lamps in the front and two highly polished brass lamps at the rear of the vehicle.

A penny farthing bicycle

I even spotted a penny farthing bicycle.

Brass & Polish

I do believe that one gets rewarded with memorable experiences when one least expects them. These  add delight to ones life. I was well rewarded for my brave expedition out in the rain. The moral of the story is always keep a charged phone or camera handy, you never know when a delightful story is waiting just around the corner.

No steering wheel
More like a phaeton than a car

1 comment:

Sublimation said...

That was vintage Varsha.

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