Sometimes I wonder if people understand the extent of poverty that exists in our country. I feel extremely sad when I see little children performing on the busy roads. They do acrobatics at very busy road intersection when the traffic lights turn red. These children are hardly 3 to 4 years old. I feel like hanging my head in shame as I can's bear to look at these little children forced to risk their lives for a pittance.
In Delhi I have seen that usually there is a person in every locality who collects garbage from the house. I used to think that they collect the garbage and throw them in the large bins from where the waste management people or some such agency would be clearing the garbage. This thought of mine was rudely shattered one day when I saw that the person collecting the garbage actually opens out each bag and sorts it out. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the circumstances and unhygienic way in which this man was sorting out the garbage. This was being done so that he could find bits and pieces, plastic bags and stuff which he could sell to the kabadiwala,and make some money. I was very sad to see this. The poor man was sorting it all with his bare hands.
I have also seen little children with bags picking up plastic bags and other stuff that people throw away. The saddest sight is of children picking up food from waste bins near restaurants or eating joints. What kind of a life is this? What is the future of these children?
I am amazed to see the disparity that exists all around us. Those who are the "haves" , are so rich that they do not know when to stop splurging. The malls, the luxurious goods, the ever increasing price of flats, the very expensive movie tickets, luxurious cars, SUV's all cater to the haves. On the other hand are these people who do not know from where their next meal is coming. In fact is it coming or not is the vital question.
The "haves" and the "have-nots" all belong to the same country. All of us have a stake here.We were all born here. This land belongs to all of us. Why then is there so much disparity?
The conditions are such that while some people die of over eating some starve to death. If only each one of us could spare some time to think about the huge multitude of people who have nothing, perhaps we could make a difference. We should not simply think, but should also try to find ways and means by which we could make a difference.
I see the large hoardings and advertisements put up by Aircel about the dwindling number of tigers. They say there are only 1411 tigers left. I am really impressed by the advertisement and am motivated to do my best for saving the tigers. The ad is really very touching and tugs at my heart. I wish some philanthropist or organisation or group of people would also take cudgels on behalf of these street children. It will require a little initiative and I am sure a whole lot of people will come forward to help and make a difference. There is a need to highlight the issue and make a forum available to the general public to help. I believe that basically people are good at heart, and want to help. Perhaps they do not know how they can help. They also need to be assured that the money will not be misused and misappropriated.
Perhaps most of us are insensitive to the plight of the poor, as we in India believe in "Karma". We also believe in destiny, and also believe that we are reaping the benefits of what we did in our past life. We also believe that those who are suffering are being punished for the evil deeds of their past life. That is the reason why people turn their faces away, and do not bother about the disparity. Everyone is resigned to fate. It is thought that everything is pre destined. There is therefore no guilt, no remorse at splurging while a whole lot of people are struggling to keep themselves alive.How long will we remain insensitive? Can we really turn our faces away and not bother?
To start with, I wish, everyone would pause and think about the difference that they can make to the lives of those who are around them and need a kind word, a little care, a soothing touch. We all need to understand that people are people and circumstances make them rich or poor. Let us not blame fate, or karma, let us simply face truthfully that while we have sufficient, there are others who have nothing. This disparity is not due to fate. We can make a difference. Let us try and with kindness in our heart, try to make the world a better place for everyone.
Please do think of those who work for you, those who perform on the streets, those who provide you with services. Let us respect them as human beings, and allow them some dignity in life. Let us be the change and bring a smile to the face of someone. Win with kindness!!
1 comment:
It is not that people are not aware of the extent of poverty, but as they say, they just look the other side and pretend to be oblivious. Like the ostrich burying his head in the sand. We have lost all sensitivity and have literally insulated ourselves from the plight of the have-nots. It is a very sad state of affairs and millions of children here do not have a "childhood", they are brutally flung into the adulthood right away.
The most heart wrenching is when you see the little children picking up and rummaging the the garbage not to sell the plastics etc but to look for thrown and rotting food which they can use for filling their stomachs.
Ours was a better society when we could not call more than 100 guests for a celebration. Once a week we used to miss a meal (or stick to non-cereals). At least we were involved and concerned of the plight of the nation. What we see today is really a contrasting picture - every person is interested in filling his own coffers, there is no concern for the wider issues.
I believe that the only solution is by a bloody revolution when the have-nots will just take what they want. Increasing dacoities, murders, car jacking and the like are just indicatives of what is in store for the future.
If we are unable to mend our ways - there will be no salvation. We need to have concern for society. Give back something from what we have got, and stop tolerating corruption and misuse of power.
The youth has to wake up....
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