"Khudi ko kar buland itna, ki har tadbeer se pehle,
Khuda bande se khud pooche, bata teri raza kya hai?"
It means that your own self should be in that exalted position that God himself will have to ask you your consent before deciding anything for you
Beautiful words, meaningful words, very very wise words!!! Did it cross your mind, how much importance has been given to the Self? "Khud"(self) and "Khuda"(God) - are they the same?Look within yourself and the answer will be given to you - again the word - "within yourself". Is it all within each one of us to aspire and receive? Are we the most powerful? Is it all within me to aspire, dream and get my wishes fulfilled? Why are we then directing our prayers elsewhere? Can I not see that my thoughts take me where I want to go? Failure, success, achievement, accident, coincidence, are we the perpetrators for each one of our own action and its result? One person always achieves and another always misses the bus. One person is called accident prone, another doesn't lift a finger and gets everything effortlessly!! Has this not been an observation that each one of us has made?
Recently I met a person who is a successful businessman, and has built a business empire for himself. He was a refugee after partition of India and used to make a living selling combs and pens, to begin with. He can virtually be traced to that film "Muqaddar ka Sikander", where Amitabh Bachchan starts off as a boot shine and then becomes very rich. TNN wanted to know, what happened and why did this man succeed, while there are millions of others who end up very close to where they started. It set me thinking. Hard work, risk taking ability and the sheer determination to succeed, come what may, took this man from where he started to where he is today. There was and there is no need for a benefactor, or a windfall, or a godfather. It's all within a person. His own self took this person higher and higher. No one can stop a man with a will to succeed. No God, demon, or human can stall the progress of a man with a firm determination and desire to achieve.
Recently I met a person who is a successful businessman, and has built a business empire for himself. He was a refugee after partition of India and used to make a living selling combs and pens, to begin with. He can virtually be traced to that film "Muqaddar ka Sikander", where Amitabh Bachchan starts off as a boot shine and then becomes very rich. TNN wanted to know, what happened and why did this man succeed, while there are millions of others who end up very close to where they started. It set me thinking. Hard work, risk taking ability and the sheer determination to succeed, come what may, took this man from where he started to where he is today. There was and there is no need for a benefactor, or a windfall, or a godfather. It's all within a person. His own self took this person higher and higher. No one can stop a man with a will to succeed. No God, demon, or human can stall the progress of a man with a firm determination and desire to achieve.
Look within, the power is yours. Seek within and vision is yours. Listen to your inner self and your decision will be right. Have we not heard all these words of wisdom? Can we not isolate them, study them, believe in them and let our minds soar to the pinnacle of achievement and success. Why do we let a lot of other thoughts warp our judgement? Values, traditions, rituals, Religion imposed upon us, needs to be examined rationally. Once upon a time they may have been needed- but today-do we still need those rules which were made for a different time and a different group of people, who were still trying to find their feet in the world? Do they hold good even today? I have noticed a vast difference in the people around me in the last one year. Life style, goals, dress sense, attitudes, money power, number of cars, types of cars, TV programmes, movies, music, everything has changed tremendously. The only constant factor seems to be our belief in rituals, dogmas, and obsolete traditions. It is time that we let our mind go free to think, explore, and decide our future course of action. Life will be much better and the world will be a better place to live in. We have one life and in this time span available to us, we need to do our bit to leave this world better than what it was when we were born. If we do not contribute for development of our mind, then we will be nothing but spent force which exists, but does not really live. Let us live, love, laugh, and make the world a better place.
Yes Varsha, you are right -and everything begins with our own thoughts. It's our thoughts - how we think about things - that governs how we live this life of ours. And if we have a life we're not too thrilled about, we can change our thoughts about what's happening and then act in accordance with those new thoughts.
A timely post.
One has to start the first thought and then put your willingness to pursue it. And then all conditions fall in place to back you to fulfil your desire......... Its just that most us are afraid even to think that 'first' thought........
BTW, why is there no comment on my blog?sob sob........
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