A beautiful winter morning! |
Life is lived only once. This life is mine and I am my own master. What I do with it, is for me to decide. I can always look at the half filled glass with sorrow as I do not have a full glass, or feel happy about having a half glass. The choice is mine.
Every day is bright, beautiful and a new opportunity to live the day fruitfully, yet I, like everyone else categorise my days as different days of the week and condemn Monday and look forward to Friday. Actually, every day is the same. A weekend is a time for rest, recuperation, stocking up for the week and clearing the clutter piled up during the week. Weekdays are for earning my living. It is the time to be spent for being innovative, creative, organising, moving forward in my organisation, puling up people, getting pulled up, and so on and so forth.
A child has to learn, youth has to develop skills, adults have to work and retired people have to find ways and means to be heard by all the busy people of the world. Each person has his own goal to pursue.
A busy peacock!...showing off |
After a number of years of studying then working, one fine day I retired from my job. I had then wondered what life had in store for me. From a fully disciplined, regimented life I was suddenly going into a world where I was the master of my own time. There were no schedules, no one to whom I would be answerable. No one watching over me and assessing my performance!
So when this time arrived I had to calm myself down and accept that now onwards I would have to decide how my day would be spent.
The evening of the day that I retired I left for a small vacation to Agra. I am fond of History and looking at the Taj has always been a happy experience for me. I therefore spent two days at Agra and came back home knowing that henceforth mornings were no longer going to be rush, rush, rush.
From then onwards life became smooth. I started enjoying my days, my life and learnt that there is a life beyond the Bank where I had spent thirty years of my life.
Travelling, being with my children, enjoying my time with my grand children became another facet of my life.
I wrote short stories for children, I started writing about life, my travels, my family and even tried my hand at poetry.
As there was no one assessing my capabilities, I took to all these activities like a duck to water. If someone liked to read what I wrote, I was happy, if they did not like it then I tried to improve. There was no competition, no judgement, no rat race. I was simply in an exploratory stage. I kept exploring the different opportunities available to me. I kept reaching out to new things, just learning, trying and honing my skills.
I now love my independence. I love every day of my life. Every morning I wake up with a new anticipation. Every day I look forward to happiness. Being human, sometimes I too have my sad moods, but then I get hold of my thoughts and turn them around to become happy. Just like in a smiley face vis a vis a sad face with an upturned curve of a smile versus a downward curve of a sad face!
View from my window in Autumn or Fall as they say in USA. |
I have decided not to allow anyone to sadden my day. No one will have the power to make me depressed. I am master of my day of happiness.
I do not believe in fate, destiny, or karma. I decide here and now what my day and time will be like. Nothing is fore told or written in my bhagya. I go along with time and try to make the most of it.
Having said that, let me share with you my latest adventure. I am now trying to overcome my fear of water. I have always dreaded boating and rowing. I could never swim. This latest venture of course has not been out of my own volition. During my annual visits to London every summer, I would accompany my grand children to the swimming pool. I mustered enough courage to buy a swimming suit and would sit like a beached whale on the side of the pool. One day my six year old grand daughter came to me and said, "Nani, hold my hand, come inside the pool, it's not scary." This got me thinking. I decided to get over my fear of water. It has taken me two years, but I have taken a decision to learn swimming.
Life is a celebration! |
It is an effort, a tremendous one, but with encouragement from my children, and the constant support and guidance of my grand daughter, I have started taking lessons! I am on the way, and am soon reaching my destination! Life...I meet you with pleasure...always!